Science at Heston Primary School

We were awarded Primary Science Quality Mark in Spring 2022
We are dedicated to raising the profile and the quality of science teaching at Heston Primary School. After a year of hard work from our pupils and staff involved, we have been awarded the Primary Science Quality Mark.
We are committed to continuing the improvements of our science provisions, ensuring that our pupils have a better understanding of the surrounding world and are curious to discover more.

Science Vision
At Heston Primary School, we intend to foster life-long curiosity in our children so that they are inspired to enquire about the world around them and question what they find. To accomplish this, we will provide a stimulating and exciting curriculum that equips children with the skills to carry out investigations and effectively articulate their discoveries.
Science Principles
- Children are curious, engaged and excited about science lessons.
- Children ask questions and carry out science investigations using the five different enquiry types.
- Children work collaboratively and use a range of resources both indoors and outdoors.
- Children use scientific vocabulary to describe and explain the results of their investigations.
- Children make cross-curricular links to other units and subjects.
- Children can relate their learning in science to real life experiences.
- Children make good progress in science.
For more information about our Science Curriculum, please contact the school office; we will provide you with our subject matrices and knowledge organisers for this area. Other details around our curriculum activities and offer, can be accessed by parents/carers on HestonLink (school's online learning platform).
Brunel University visit Heston Primary School
On Monday 2nd October 2023, we were visited by a team from Brunel University to launch a fantastic enrichment initiative called Eureka Explorers. KS2 children participated in the launch assembly and every child received a copy of the Eureka Explorers magazine which is packed full of fun activities. We hope our pupils wll enjoy these.