Sequenced Curriculum

Sequencing Curriculum Intent
Using the Statutory Framework and Development Matters documents, alongside data analysis and knowledge of our children, we have carefully planned a sequenced curriculum. We have carefully considered how skills and knowledge are developed from the earliest stage towards a depth of understanding. The curriculum is designed to be aspirational and demonstrates our high expectations. It is also carefully sequenced to ensure children are set up to succeed. Quality of teaching and learning has been prioritised so that children understand and retain what they have learnt. We have completed an Early Years curriculum overview that vertically tracks learning from the beginning to Nursery to the end of Reception. We have additionally updated our non-negotiables in line with the new Framework. It is understood by all staff that learners are at the heart of our curriculum. As such, sequencing is flexible to the needs of our students, particularly within the changeable climate of COVID-19 pandemic.
The EYFS Statutory Framework
The EYFS curriculum is based on the national Statutory Framework for EYFS which includes:
Three prime areas of learning
- Communication and language-Listening, Attention and Understanding, Speaking
- Physical development- Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills,
- Personal, social and emotional development- Self Regulation, Managing Self, Building Relationships
Four specific areas of learning
- Literacy- Comprehension, Word Reading, Writing
- Mathematics-Number, Numerical Patterns
- Understanding the world-Past and Present, People, Culture and Communities, The Natural World
- Expressive arts and design-Creating with Materials, Being Imaginative and Expressive
Three characteristics of effective learning
- Playing and exploring
- Active learning
- Creating and thinking critically
Sequencing the Curriculum Implementation
Our Year Overview document sequences the Development Matters statements into learning intentions that are then allocated to half terms across the academic year. The progression from Nursery to Reception is documented through the Curriculum Overview documents. The Year Overview states what we intent to teach, when. It is a flexible, working document that teachers annotate on a weekly basis and use to inform all planning. These documents are supported by Topic Webs that link to the sequenced curriculum. All our curriculum documents are informed by the Statutory Handbook and Development Matters documents.