Pastoral Support at Heston Primary School
At Heston Primary School, the well-being of our students is paramount. We endeavour to meet the needs of our pupils and offer specialist Play Therapy sessions that are run by external providers. We are very lucky to have Mrs Budd, who works in school to support children and their families through challenging times. Children can be referred to Mrs Budd when they are finding it difficult to process their emotions. Whether the cause of emotional distress is big or small, Mrs Budd ensures that children's emotional responses are validated and that they are supported in processing their feelings in a positive way. Mrs Budd works closely with families to ensure that parents and carers are supported through challenging times and that support is always readily available at school.
Mrs Budd - Pastoral Support Officer
Message from Mrs Budd:
In my role as Pastoral Support Officer I work with children from Nursery to Year 6 and their families, during the times in their lives when they might need some extra emotional support to cope with a variety of challenges, both big and small.
As well as working with our pupils, it is a privilege to also support the whole family during difficult times in their family life, and to build relationships to ensure the school knows how to best support each child as an individual. The school is able to offer external support and signpost parents towards relevant help around many issues (such as bereavement, divorce or separation of parents, supporting children through Court processes, managing the transition of living between two homes after separation and various breakdowns in family relationships both within immediate and extended family).
I support children who are having friendship problems, and difficulty controlling their anger, and run Nuture Groups for Social Skills, Life Skills and Confidence Building. Additionally, I work alongside parents to promote positive school attendance.
I run lunchtime clubs (Lego, Top Trumps, Mindfulness Colouring) which are for children who may struggle in the playground for a variety of reasons. These lunchtime clubs are also available for all our pupils to enjoy.
Please do let the school know if you feel your child/children would benefit from any support during their time at Heston Primary - no issue is too small to mention, as sometimes it is the things that may seem quite insignificant to an adult that can cause our children to feel very anxious and to maybe lie in bed worrying about at night time.
It truly is a privilege to support and guide the children and families here at Heston Primary School!