Eco School - ‘Engaging the youth of today to protect the planet of tomorrow.’

At Heston Primary School we believe in encouraging children to make a difference by initiating small steps to improve our environment. We aim to encourage bio-diversity in our school, improve recycling and sustainability and raise awareness in our local community over the next few years.
The Eco-Council (made up of children from each year group) meet to discuss a wide range of interests and issues, such as looking at recycling, litter-picking, wild life counts, wild flower seeding and the school energy usage. We received our Eco–Schools Green Flag award with distinction in 2023. and we aim to renew this status in our 2024 accreditation.
In our letter of congratulations from Eco-Schools the high level of commitment by our Eco-Warriors was praised; our educational and inclusive approach and for promoting democracy within the program was also recognised.
Within every year in the school, environmental links have been made to the curriculum. To name just a few, Year 4 classify trees and invertebrates and undertake an invertebrate hunt in Science. Year 5 study Energy and Sustainability and have written persuasive letters to the local council to ask for environmental grants. Reception use the growing area to plant vegetables and Year 1 identify local plants and animals in the school grounds.
The school ran a competition to create an eco-code. This was judged by the Eco-Warriors.
The Eco Team encourages teachers and children to save energy by switching off whiteboards and lights. They are always looking for new ways to reduce waste and to become more sustainable. Since Spring Term 2023, our Enterprise Team has been running a recycling initiative titled 'Savvy Soap Sellers'. They are encouraging the school community to bring their empty bottles from home and to take the opportunity to purchase eco-friendly, quality soap and detergent. The ECO shop refills washing up liquid, body wash, hand wash, fabric conditioner and laundry detergent, with a gorgeous range of eco-friendly, vegan, cruelty free products made in the UK.
In the past, we have run battery recycling schemes and currently have a textile recycling unit on the school grounds.
We are now part of the Heston Action Group.
We continuously aim to improve our sustainability and to encourage children to make a difference. We are excited for our future!